Jack Angel / Lunamopolis Press presents, The Lune No. 16: Jack Angel.
From the Lune:
"Jack Angel is an investigative story-manual with visual and visceral clout, reaching into and in-between the lives of characters halfway to heaven or hell. Ruehlen's background in multimedia arts, performance and collaboration (see: Flinching Eye Collective) informs a documentary poetics whose language is surreal, strategic, and jarring. Jack Angel emerges as a masterful synthesis of cultural talking points and media-modes: integration, interrogation, nomenclature, polis, boundaries, beliefs, etc. It should come as no surprise that No. 16 is the first issue to feature content both in print and online: Ruehlen's Out-of-Body Observatory challenges the role and reality of the witness."
Lunamopolis is a literary press printed in the USA, featuring artists and writers pushing the edge of textual form. The Lune's mission is to uphold a quiet, dauntless site for experimental thought. Our method is to trust the voices and visions of good human beings. Animated by the symbolic character of its namesake, The Lune is a reflective space in which to witness feats of identity, place, and feeling. We believe that a publication so informed acts as a cultural balm against the literal-minded, commercially-driven objectives of modern media. Rather than fear that which emerges from the unconscious, The Lune celebrates and honors it. It is too easy to dismiss the power of quiet, unspeakable things. And it is of paramount importance to society to highlight the ethical power of those who speak them.